Modern day organizations understand the importance of HR process restructuring and competency mapping to increase organization efficiencies and employee motivation

A business oriented, data driven approach is key to designing an effective HR organization

  • Organizations are increasingly becoming aware of the importance of an effective HR process and placing the right people at the right job. While keeping employees satisfied and arresting attrition rates is paramount; at the same time increasing employee productivity and controlling organization HR expenses are equally important too.
  • Hence, HR organizations need to be agile, business-oriented, data-driven, and focused towards attracting, retaining, and developing talent. For this they need to adopt industry leading HR processes and practices along with a robust competency framework.

Case: Implementing process optimization and skill mapping framework

  • NRI worked with a Global non-banking finance company to help them restructure their HR processes as well as build a handy skill mapping framework for their IT department. The strategic goals of the organization were to 1) streamline the organization in a scalable model 2) increase employee motivation and 3) plug in the gaps in the skill set through a robust competency framework.
  • NRI used several strategic tools to achieve these goals such as 1) competitor benchmarking 2) employee interviews & surveys 3) management discussions 4) follow industry best practices and 5) review past data driven analysis.

Support for Process Improvement & Competency Mapping