At the end of March 2022, multiple cases of electric 2-wheeler catching fire were recorded across India. Come April, an electric 2-wheeler dealership was engulfed in fire and this put serious questions about the safety of EVs. Ola, Okinawa, and Pure EV being the names in this list from the recent incidents took the media by a whirl. Questions around the suitability of product/battery for India, the reliability of product developments cycles in start-up, the robustness of regulations, and the quality standards being followed have taken the center stage in E-mobility forums.
It is important to put these incidents in perspective and analyze recent trends. This publication outlines (i) the cases of EV fires, (ii) the reasons for the fire incidents, (iii) the stakeholders accountable for the fires, and (iv) the future course of action.
Holistic assessment of alternate powertrains for passenger vehicles in India
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